# !/usr/bin/env python# encoding:utf-8# from selenium import webdriverimport timeimport reimport jsonfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport requestsimport pymsteamsdef _get_table(): while True: try: html = requests.get('https://builds.wgti.net', verify=False) body = html.text if html.status_code == 200: break except Exception as e: print e time.sleep(60) soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'lxml') tables = soup.findAll('table') table2 = tables[1] return table2def _get_rows(): content = '' row = [] table = _get_table() for tr in table.findAll('tr'): for td in tr.findAll('td'): # print td.getText() content = content + td.getText() + ' ' row.append(content) content = '' row.pop(0) row.pop() new_rows = [] for item in row: new_rows.append(item.strip()) print new_rows return new_rowsdef _get_date(row_list): date = [] for item in row_list: # print item dt = re.search(r'\d+/\d+/\d+ \d+:\d+', item).group(0) date.append(dt) return datedef _get_arr_no_date(row_list): new_arr = [] for item in row_list: new_item = re.sub('\d+/\d+/\d+ \d+:\d+', '', item) new_arr.append(new_item) return new_arrdef _get_project(row_list): project = [] new_arr_list = _get_arr_no_date(row_list) for item in new_arr_list: project.append(item.split()[0]) return projectdef _get_status(row_list): status = [] new_arr_list = _get_arr_no_date(row_list) for item in new_arr_list: status.append(item.split()[1]) return statusdef _get_build(row_list): build = [] new_arr_list = _get_arr_no_date(row_list) for item in new_arr_list: build.append(item.split()[2]) return builddef check_status(sta): if sta == 'Idle': return True else: return Falsedef _post_data(data): data = json.dumps(data) new_data = re.sub('"true"', 'true', data) print new_data # response = requests.post('http://watsng-staging.wgti.net/job/', new_data) # response = requests.post('', new_data) response = requests.post('http://web/job/', new_data) # inside url in docker print response.textdef send_job_request(job_list): data = dict(library_branch='dev', suite_name='nightly-regression', build='', branch='', submitter='wats-ng@watchguard.com', script_branch='dev', private_rig='RIG-Nightly-regression', nightly_build='true') if job_list == success: for item in job_list: branch = item.split()[0] build = item.split()[2] if branch in white_list: data['suite_name'] = 'Nightly-' + branch data['branch'] = branch data['build'] = build _post_data(data) time.sleep(3) print 'Success job request send completed!' else: print 'branch: %s is success, but it is not in white list, do NOT send success job request.' % branch else: for item in job_list: if item == 'utm-inc': print 'build: \'utm-inc\' is failed, but do NOT send fail job request.' else: data['suite_name'] = 'Nightly-' + item data['branch'] = item data['build'] = 'failed' _post_data(data) time.sleep(3) print 'Fail job request send completed!'def get_diff_indx(list1, list2): id = [] for i in xrange(len(list1)): item_a = list1[i] item_b = list2[i] if item_a != item_b: id.append(i) return iddef get_equal_index(list1, list2): id = [] for i in xrange(len(list1)): item_a = list1[i] item_b = list2[i] if item_a == item_b: id.append(i) return iddef get_unfinished_and_failed(old, new, content): diff_id = get_diff_indx(old, new) equal_id = get_equal_index(old, new) for i in diff_id: if old[i] != 'Idle' and new[i] == 'Idle': fail.append(content[i]) # send notification-------------->>>>> reason = 'This branch: %s\'s status change from \'non-Idle\' to \'Idle\' ' \ 'but there is no new image generation' % content[i] fail_dict['fail_reason'] = reason fail_dict['Branch'] = content[i] fail_dict_list.append(fail_dict) else: unfinished.append(content[i]) for i in equal_id: if old[i] == 'Idle' and new[i] == 'Idle': pass else: unfinished.append(content[i]) return unfinished, fail_dict_listdef get_unfinished_success_fail(idx, status_list, arr_list, record_unfinished): success_branch = [] for i in xrange(idx): if check_status(status_list[i]): success.append(arr_list[i]) success_branch.append(arr_list[i].split()[0]) # else: # send_notification('Unknown error occurred!') # send notification-------------->>>>> for m in range(idx, len(status_list)): project_name = arr_list[m].split()[0] if not status_list[m] == 'Idle': unfinished.append(project_name) for un_job in record_unfinished: if un_job not in unfinished and un_job not in success_branch: fail.append(un_job) # send notification-------------->>>>> reason = 'This project: %s build failed when some other branch build success' % un_job fail_dict['fail_reason'] = reason fail_dict['Branch'] = un_job fail_dict_list.append(fail_dict) return unfinished, success, fail_dict_listdef init_timer_list(n): timer = [] for i in xrange(n): # timer.append(0) timer.append(100) # testing return timerdef _send_hipchat_msg(msg, good=True): url = '%s/v2/room/%s/notification?auth_token=%s' % (HIPCHAT_SERVER, HIPCHAT_ROOM, HIPCHAT_TOKEN) headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json'} if good: data = { 'message': msg, 'from': 'West', 'color': 'green', 'style': 'application'} else: data = { 'message': msg, 'from': 'West', 'color': 'red', 'style': 'application'} print 'Something went wrong, send message to hipchat, message: %s' % msg resp = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(data), verify=False, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 204: print 'Send notification succeed' else: print 'Send notification failed caused by %s', resp.textdef send_success_notification(): for item in success_dict_list: branch = item['branch'] build = item['build'] if 'error_info' in item.keys(): error_info = item['error_info'] msg = 'Branch : %s\n\r' \ 'Build : %s\n\r' \ 'Status : Build Success\n\r' \ 'Error_info : %s' % (branch, build, error_info) else: start_time = item['start_time'] finish_time = item['finish_time'] msg = 'Branch : %s\n\r' \ 'Build : %s\n\r' \ 'Status : Build Success\n\r' \ 'Start Time : %s\n\r' \ 'Finish Time : %s' \ % (branch, build, start_time, finish_time) if branch in white_list: msg = msg + '\n\rWhite List : Yes' \ '\n\rSend Job Request: Yes' else: msg = msg + '\n\rWhite List : No' \ '\n\rSend Job Request: No' _send_hipchat_msg(msg) print 'hipchat notification send completed!' _send_msteams_msg(msg) print 'msteams notification send completed!'def send_fail_notification(): for item in fail_dict_list: branch = item['Branch'] reason = fail_dict['fail_reason'] msg = 'Branch : %s\n\r' \ 'Status : Build Failed\n\r' \ 'Fail Reason : %s' % (branch, reason) if branch in white_list: msg = msg + '\n\rWhite List : Yes' \ '\n\rSend Job Request: Yes' else: msg = msg + '\n\rWhite List : No' \ '\n\rSend Job Request: Yes' _send_hipchat_msg(msg, good=False) print 'hipchat_notification send completed!' _send_msteams_msg(msg) print 'msteams_notification send completed!'def send_messages(msg): _send_hipchat_msg(msg) _send_msteams_msg(msg)def _send_msteams_msg(msg, good=True): myteamsmessage = pymsteams.connectorcard( 'https://outlook.office.com/webhook/' '0f7a6329-9345-4c6e-a313-dc7a48cfdd6b@2563c132-88f5-466f-bbb2-e83153b3c808/' 'IncomingWebhook/68ac4a1564224e80ad1b3e4d32a88e22/176e0d36-e270-40bb-8b1e-4bfba2c98d82') title = 'Check Build Report' if good: pass else: myteamsmessage.color('red') myteamsmessage.title(title) myteamsmessage.text(msg) myteamsmessage.send()def get_white_list(): with open('whitelist_for_buildcheck', 'r') as f: white_jobs = f.readlines() new_white_jobs = [] for it in white_jobs: new_it = it.split('\n')[0] new_white_jobs.append(new_it) return new_white_jobsdef get_timeout_fail(): # init a timer list and get job_timer_dict timer_list = init_timer_list(len(record_unfinished)) print 'fail_dict_list-INININ-: ', fail_dict_list for job_id in xrange(len(record_unfinished)): job = record_unfinished[job_id] if job in unfinished: timer_list[job_id] = 1 job_timer_dict[job] = timer_list[job_id] print 'init job_timer_dict: ', job_timer_dict print 'old record_timer_dict: ', record_timer_dict for key in record_timer_dict.keys(): if key in job_timer_dict.keys(): job_timer_dict[key] = record_timer_dict[key] + job_timer_dict[key] print 'after merge from record_timer_dict, job_timer_dict: ', job_timer_dict for key in job_timer_dict.keys(): job_name = key # job_name = job_timer_dict.keys()[job_timer_dict.values().index(job_timer_dict[key])] if job_timer_dict[key] > 720: # 720*20sec/3600=4 hours print "Task: \'%s\' did not finished in 4 hours, " \ "send it in failed list" % job_name reason = "\'%s\' did not finished in 4 hours, " \ "send it in failed list" % job_name # send notification-------------->>>>> fail.append(job_name) print 'fail-----', fail print 'fail_dict_list-ououout-: ', fail_dict_list fail_dict['fail_reason'] = reason fail_dict['Branch'] = job_name fail_dict_list.append(fail_dict) print 'fail_dict_list--: ', fail_dict_list else: print "Task: \'%s\' is unfinished, spent time: %s seconds" % \ (job_name, job_timer_dict[key] * 20)def get_cm_start_finish_time(branch, build): url_list, page_url, image_url = [], [], [] start_t, finish_t, msg = '', '', '' project_show_url = 'https://builds.wgti.net/project/show/%s' % branch body = requests.get(project_show_url, verify=False).text soup = BeautifulSoup(body, 'lxml') soup.prettify() for anchor in soup.findAll('a', href=True): url_list.append(anchor.get('href')) for url in url_list: if re.match('http://cm02se.wgti.net/.*', url): page_url.append(url) if re.match(r'ftp://cmimages.wgti.net/images/%s/.*' % branch, url): image_url.append(url) for idx in xrange(len(image_url)): if image_url[idx].split('/')[-1] == build: wanna_page = page_url[idx] body = requests.get(wanna_page, verify=False).text print body started = re.findall('Build started : \d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+.*', body) finished = re.findall('Build finished: \d+-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+.*', body) if not started or not finished: started = re.findall('start time.*\d+:\d+:\d+.*', body) finished = re.findall('end time.*\d+:\d+:\d+.*', body) print 'started, finished: ', started, finished start_t = re.findall('\d+.*', started[0])[0] finish_t = re.findall('\d+.*', finished[0])[0] break if not start_t and not finish_t: msg = 'the image: %s do not exist in image list of branch: %s, ' \ 'please check on web: %s' % (build, branch, project_show_url) return start_t, finish_t, msgif __name__ == '__main__': # hipchat room information HIPCHAT_SERVER = 'https://watchguard.hipchat.com' HIPCHAT_TOKEN = 'psw9IfRRhVzaHmaJ80JUpQDoJN9h6WtgtSSO8YWx' HIPCHAT_ROOM = '3280364' # parameters initial unfinished, success, fail = [], [], [] # store result: unfinished, success, fail record_unfinished = [] # record unfinished record_timer_dict = {} # record total timer of unfinished job_timer_dict = {} # store current timer of unfinished success_dict, fail_dict = {}, {} # for send_notification success_dict_list, fail_dict_list = [], [] # for send_notification # get white list white_list = get_white_list() # get all old rows old_rows = _get_rows() #--------local debug------------ testfile = r'D:\Project_TCS\git_projects\TCS\farmacias\test_script\dashboard\testfile.txt' with open(testfile, 'wb') as f: for row in old_rows: f.write(row + '\n') #exit(0) #--------local debug------------ # get old latest date date_list = _get_date(old_rows) old_latest_build_date = date_list[0] print 'old_latest_build_date: ', old_latest_build_date # get old latest row with no date row_list = _get_arr_no_date(old_rows) old_row1 = row_list[0] print 'old_row1: ', old_row1 # get old status list old_status_list = _get_status(old_rows) while True: # check interval time.sleep(20) # request website and get new rows of table #new_rows = _get_rows() #--------local debug------------ a = [] with open(testfile, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): #print line a.append(line) new_rows = [] for item in a: new_rows.append(item.split('\n')[0]) print new_rows # -------local debug------------- # get new latest row with no date arr_list = _get_arr_no_date(new_rows) new_row1 = row_list[0] print 'new_row1: ', new_row1 date_list = _get_date(new_rows) status_list = _get_status(new_rows) project_list = _get_project(new_rows) # get new_latest_build_date new_latest_build_date = date_list[0] # key point try: idx = date_list.index(old_latest_build_date.strip()) except: idx = None print 'idx: ', idx # judge idx if idx is None: if check_status(status_list[0]): success.append(arr_list[0]) print 'success: ', success elif idx == 0: unfinished, fail = get_unfinished_and_failed(old_status_list, status_list, project_list) print 'unfinished, fail: ', unfinished, fail else: unfinished, success, fail = get_unfinished_success_fail(idx, status_list, arr_list, record_unfinished) print 'unfinished, success, fail: ', unfinished, success, fail if success: for suc_job in success: bran = suc_job.split()[0] buil = suc_job.split()[2] success_dict['branch'] = bran success_dict['build'] = buil start_time, finish_time, error = get_cm_start_finish_time(bran, buil) if start_time and finish_time: success_dict['start_time'] = start_time success_dict['finish_time'] = finish_time else: success_dict['error_info'] = error success_dict_list.append(success_dict) print 'success_dict_list: ', success_dict_list # send job request and notification -- success #send_job_request(success) send_success_notification() # update old latest row and date old_row1 = new_row1 old_latest_build_date = new_latest_build_date # add new to record_unfinished and calculator timer for job_un in unfinished: if job_un not in record_unfinished: record_unfinished.append(job_un) print 'fail_dict_list: ', fail_dict_list # calculate timer and put timeout job into fail list get_timeout_fail() print 'fail_dict_list: ', fail_dict_list # send job request and notification -- fail if fail: #send_job_request(fail) send_fail_notification() # update job_timer_dict to record_timer_dict # record_timer_dict = job_timer_dict record_timer_dict = { 'utm-inc': 720} print 'record_timer_dict: job_timer_dict', record_timer_dict, job_timer_dict print 'unfinished: ', unfinished print 'success: ', success print 'fail: ', fail # update record_unfinished record_unfinished = unfinished # update old_status_list old_status_list = status_list # flush parameters unfinished, success, fail = [], [], [] # store result: unfinished, success, fail job_timer_dict = {} success_dict, fail_dict = {}, {} # for send_notification success_dict_list, fail_dict_list = [], [] # for send_notification print '-------------------------------------------'